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Walk the Talk in your school

We work with schools all over NSW and beyond to deliver a unique educational program that delivers 'Respectful Relationship' training and then empowers students to put that learning into action supporting their local women's community shelter.

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Phase 1

A half day Respectful Relationships workshop for students in year 9 or 10, delivered by Enlighten Education the leading provider of in-school well-being programs.


This bespoke program educates students about the elements of healthy relationships and the nature and characteristics of relationship abuse and coercive control. We teach students how to handle disclosures of abuse and how to seek help. We provide clear and specific instruction about consent and empower students to challenge and respond to damaging and dangerous gender-based stereotypes.

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Phase 2

Students work collectively with support from the WCS Education Officer and their Year Advisor as a year group to support their shelter through a range of projects to raise money and awareness. This part looks different in every school.  


Participating students have raised money through numerous fundraising activities, created welcome packs, handmade wooden toys for the shelters, grown vegetables, volunteered including landscaping the gardens and renovated a study space in one of the shelters, assisted at gala fundraisers and helped raise awareness in their local communities.

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